Archive for the ‘Challenges’ Category

For Special Relativity Supporters

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 8 - 2008

RelativityChallenge.Com invites you to participate in creating the next chapter in Modern Physics. The model of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems offers opportunities to expand our understanding of space, time, and physics in general. The findings presented at RelativityChallenge.Com and accompanying papers represent a launching point for continued research in wave and particle behaviors.

New questions have come up as a result of research into the Model of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems. These questions should be answered by the Special Relativity Community.

  1. Einstein defines the Tau function as τ=t-(vx’)/(c^2-v^2). Define the meaning of this function and its key function parameters; t and x’.
  2. In Einstein’s Tau function, what is the meaning of vx’/(c^2-v^2)? Include a picture that explains this meaning.
  3. Explain the meaning of the function invocation : τ(x’, 0, 0, x’/(c-v)).
  4. Explain the meaning of the function invocation: τ(0, 0, 0, y/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)).
  5. Explain the meaning of the function invocation: τ(0, 0, 0, z/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)).
  6. Explain the meaning of the function invocation: τ(x’, y, z, t).
  7. Explain any differences between the answer to question 6 and question 3.
  8. Explain how namespaces and variable overloading applies or does not apply to Einstein’s derivation.

For Special Relativity Challengers

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 8 - 2008

RelativityChallenge.Com invites you to participate in creating the next chapter in Modern Physics. The model of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems offers opportunities to expand our understanding of space, time, and physics in general. The findings presented at RelativityChallenge.Com and accompanying papers represent a launching point for continued research in wave and particle behaviors.

When one theory is shown to be incorrect, a new model needs to build support for it to take hold. Given this, I offer several ways in which you can help establish the model of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems through your research and exploration.

  1. Publish experimental evidence that differentiates the expected results of the model of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems from the expected results of Special Relativity.
  2. Publish theoretical papers supporting the mathematical analysis identifying the mistakes in Einstein’s derivations.
  3. Conduct experiments that confirm the behaviors of Complete and Incomplete Coordinates Systems.
  4. Confirm the model of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems for other wave mediums besides EMF and light.
  5. Reexamine the theoretical foundations of gravity waves and/or quantum waves using the model of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems as a foundation.
  6. Publish experimental evidence defining the existence and speed of gravity waves and/or quantum waves.

The Unusual Paragraph

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 7 - 2006

The Puzzle

This is an unusual paragraph. I’m curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. You probably won’t, at first, find anything particularly odd or unusual or in any way dissimilar to any ordinary composition. It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! But it is unusual. Why? Study it, and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out! Try to do so without any coaching! No doubt, if you work at it for long, it may dawn on you. Who knows? Go to work and try your skill. Good luck.

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The Coin Puzzle

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 7 - 2006

The Puzzle

You are given 12 coins. 11 of the coins are identical to each other and have the exact same weight. The 12th coin is either heavier or lighter than any one of the other 11 coins, but you do not know which. You are also given a balance scale that can be used to compare one side of objects against the other side – tipping in the heavier direction.

Using the scale no more than 3 times, can you always identify which coin has the different weight? If you answer no, you have to prove why that is the case and if you answer yes, you should be able to demonstrate your answer.

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The Bus

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 7 - 2006

The Puzzle

Read the following paragraphs once. You are the bus driver and the bus is empty – it has no passengers on it. At the first stop, seven people get on the bus. At the next stop, eight people get on. At the next stop one person gets on, and three people get off. At the next stop, 11 people get on the bus. At the next stop, one person gets on. At the next stop five people get off. At the next stop, three people get on and four people get off.

Without looking at the preceding paragraph, what is the bus driver’s name?

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Stand on one foot

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 7 - 2006

The Puzzle

Without giving much thought, perform the following action from a standing position:
Stand on one foot.

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Three men and a hotel

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 7 - 2006

The Puzzle

Three men go to a hotel looking for a room for the evening. While all had reservations, the hotel only had one room available. The desk clerk offers to put them into the same room for the night and promised to resolve the problem in the morning. Knowing that the closest hotel with availability was over an hour away, the three men agreed to the arrangement.

The desk clerk informs them that the cost was 30 dollars. Each man takes 10 dollars from his wallet and gives it to the clerk. He hands them the key and they retire to their room for the evening.

Later that night, the manager returns from dinner, reviews the recent check-ins, and discovers the situation with the three men. She feels guilty about the mix-up and asks a bellhop to give them 5 dollars as a refund for the mistake. On the way to the room, the bellhop realizes that he cannot give each man an equal amount. Just then, an idea strikes him. He will keep 2 dollars for himself and give each man a dollar. He reasons that they will be happy because they get a refund. He knocks on the door and all three men answer. He hands them each a single dollar, and as he expected, they are happy.

Instead of paying 10 dollars, each man has now paid 9 dollars. 9 times 3 is 27, plus 2 is 29. Where is the extra dollar?

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