Episode 23 – Introduction to Modern Classical Mechanics

Posted by Steven Bryant On July - 18 - 2011

Modern Classical Mechanics is a new, intuitive, model that yields better than 100 times the accuracy of the Einstein-Lorentz equations in several experiments including Michelson-Morley and Ives-Stillwell!  Because it distinguishes between Length and Wavelength, its theoretical explanations avoid non-intuitive concepts like time dilation, length contraction, and the twin paradox; each of which are required by Relativity theory.
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Explaining Why Relativity Requires the Twin Paradox

Posted by Steven Bryant On May - 20 - 2011


The Twin Paradox: Why it is Required by Relativity
(Click to download)


This paper reveals that when wavelength-based observations are evaluated using a length-based perspective, that evaluation must explain changes in length and time, which Einstein does using Length Contraction and Time Dilation. It further explains that when wavelength-based observations are evaluated using a wavelength-based perspective, there are no changes in length and time, and the resulting mathematical equations yield quantitatively better results.

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