Archive for the ‘Revised Model’ Category

Episode 23 – Introduction to Modern Classical Mechanics

Posted by Steven Bryant On July - 18 - 2011

Modern Classical Mechanics is a new, intuitive, model that yields better than 100 times the accuracy of the Einstein-Lorentz equations in several experiments including Michelson-Morley and Ives-Stillwell!  Because it distinguishes between Length and Wavelength, its theoretical explanations avoid non-intuitive concepts like time dilation, length contraction, and the twin paradox; each of which are required by Relativity theory.
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Explaining Why Relativity Requires the Twin Paradox

Posted by Steven Bryant On May - 20 - 2011


The Twin Paradox: Why it is Required by Relativity
(Click to download)


This paper reveals that when wavelength-based observations are evaluated using a length-based perspective, that evaluation must explain changes in length and time, which Einstein does using Length Contraction and Time Dilation. It further explains that when wavelength-based observations are evaluated using a wavelength-based perspective, there are no changes in length and time, and the resulting mathematical equations yield quantitatively better results.

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Revised Model Equations

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 3 - 2009


Given the introduction of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems, we use the example of a bird flying in the cage on the back of a moving truck to create our equations for an Incomplete Coordinate System. In this case we use three birds; one flying from the back to the front and returning to the back, traveling along the X axis, one flying from the left side of the cage to the right and back to the left, traveling along the Y axis, and one flying from the bottom of the cage to the top and back to the bottom, traveling along the Z axis. Each bird is a surrogate for a wave.

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Revised Postulates

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 2 - 2009

Complete and Incomplete Coordinate System Postulates

Using the examples given when defining Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems, when the velocity of the truck, v, meets or exceeds that of the bird, w, the bird in the cage will never be able to reach the front of the cage. Yet, the bird in the trailer will be able to reach the front of the trailer. Because the behavior within a Complete Coordinate System is different than in an Incomplete Coordinate System, we have to revise Einstein’s original postulates as:

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Revised Coordinate System Model

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 2 - 2009

Coordinate Systems

In Einstein’s model, he defines one type of coordinate system. He then applies the postulates and equations to this single type of system. When this coordinate system is moving at velocity v, Einstein concludes that everything within this coordinate system must behave according the same laws of physics.

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The Speed of Light is not a Theoretical Speed Limit

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 1 - 2009

In the model of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems, there is no upper limit on the velocity of a moving coordinate system. In order to explain why this is the case, we have to first understand the reasons behind the belief that Einstein’s equation limit velocity. Einstein presents his final equations as:

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Comparison of CICS and SRT Equations

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 1 - 2009

There are several similarities and differences between the models established by Einstein, Newton, and Bryant. The following table illustrates some of the differences for each with respect to their Fixed Point, Wave Front, and One-Half Oscillation equations.

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Length contraction does not occur

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 1 - 2009


In the model of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems, length contraction does not occur.

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The Twin Paradox Goes Away

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 1 - 2009

In order to understand why the twin paradox goes away, I first have to highlight a point of confusion with Einstein’s transformation equations. In the model of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems, there are four time equations; one for the time to travel along each of the 3 axes, and one for the amount of time that the coordinate system has been in motion.

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This model applies to all types of waves

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 1 - 2009

In the model of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems, the velocity of the wave is represented by the value w. This variable can take on any value to represent the velocity of wave and medium under consideration. For example, when considering light waves traveling through a vacuum, we replace w with the value 299,792,458 meters per second, or by convention c. When considering light through air, its velocity decreases with increased density. In this case, we would first compute the new velocity and replace w with that value.

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