Archive for the ‘Podcasts’ Category

Episode 13 (Video) – Moving Systems (Part 2)

Posted by Steven Bryant On July - 13 - 2008

In this episode, we look at one of the two types of coordinate systems inherent in the model of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems; an Incomplete Coordinate System.  Part 2 of the series build upon the material presented in Part 1.
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Episode 12 (Video) – Moving Systems (Part 1)

Posted by Steven Bryant On July - 13 - 2008

In this episode, we review the concepts behind moving systems as used by the Model of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems as well as in Special Relativity Theory.  This four part video series is based on material delivered at this years AAAS/NPA conference held in April at the University of New Mexico.  In Part 1 of the series, I introduce the concepts of a reference (or stationary) coordinate system, a second system (either stationary or moving – most of the times it is thought of as moving), and of an oscillating object.
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In this episode, I delivery a presentation entitled Revisiting the Michelson-Morley Experiment to Reveal and Earth Orbital Velocity of 30 km/s. This presentation was originally given at the 15th Annual NPA conference on April 11, 2008 at the University of New Mexico. The conference was held in collaboration with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the session was attended by both AAAS and NPA participants.

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Episode 10 – Questions & Answers and Recap of Key Findings

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 24 - 2008

In Episode 10, I answer several questions that have been sent in by listeners over the past several months. In addition, we will recap three of key findings we’ve discussed in the first 9 episodes of the podcast series. These three points are the finding of a math problem in Einstein’s derivation, the implication of bi-directional movement on the theory, and the improved accuracy of the model of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems equations.


Episode 9 – The importance of distinguishing between lengths and points

Posted by Steven Bryant On December - 8 - 2007

In Episode 9, we will explore the importance of distinguishing between lengths and points. The accepted definition of Special Relativity assumes the transformation equations converts a point from one coordinate system into a point in another coordinate system; hence the term “space-time points.” This episode shows that the equations are actually used to transform lengths, not points, primarily due to the bi-directional movement inherent in the derivation. While this finding further challenges the theoretical interpretation of Special Relativity, it is consistent with the model of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems.


In Episode 8, we will explore what it means for Tau to be a function and how Einstein’s mistreatment of Tau as an equation has resulted in the math problems contained in his derivation. This episode will explore four areas. First it will explore functions, clearly identifying the proper way of defining and using functions. Second, it will explain some of the pitfalls of mistreating a function as an equation. Third it will explain how Xi and Tau are correctly derived when Tau is treated as a function. And fourth, it will revisit Einstein’s derivation to illustrate how his mistreatment of Tau as an equation results in the math problems previously discussed in Episode 2 and in the Storrs presentation.

Presentation in PDF Format

In Episode 7, we explore the equations behind the model of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems. First, we revisit the definitions of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems. Then the equations will be presented and derived graphically. In addition to understanding the equations, it will reveal the meaning of the sub-expression vx’/(c^2-v^2) that is given in Einstein’s time (Tau) equation. Please download the accompanying PDF file associated with this episode.

Presentation in PDF Format

Episode 6 – SRT, the CICS model, and the Michelson-Morley Experiment

Posted by Steven Bryant On August - 28 - 2007

In Episode 6, I will answer questions that I received after Episode 5 was aired. We’ll also take a look at the Michelson-Morley experiment. This landmark experiment has been interpreted as returning 0 km/s as the answer, supporting Einstein’s SR theory. In this episode, I’ll explain, on a conceptual level, how to evaluate the Michelson-Morley data to reveal an Earth Orbital Velocity of 30 km/s, removing support for SR and building support for an ether-based model.


Episode 5 – Understanding Einstein’s SR Theory

Posted by Steven Bryant On August - 20 - 2007

In Episode 5, we look at Einstein’s Special Relativity Theory in the context of the model of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems. The goal is to help the listener understand the origin of Einstein’s speed of light “speed limit” and understand why Einstein felt that a twin moving in a rocket would age more slowly than her twin who remained on earth.


Episode 4 – Introducing Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems

Posted by Steven Bryant On June - 20 - 2007

In Episode 4, I introduce the concept of a Coordinate System along with two specific variants; a Complete Coordinate System and an Incomplete Coordinate System. I explain what these systems are and how they are different from what Einstein proposed in his theory.
